Tulsa Attorney Blog
Where is Proper Jurisdiction for an Adult Adoption in Oklahoma?
Tulsa adult adoption attorney James Wirth, speaks on a few issues related to adult adoption in Oklahoma. Read more »
What Is the Standard for Adult Adoption in Oklahoma?
The standard is that the adoption is in the best interest of the parties involved. So best interest requirement we see a lot in family law usually relates to the best interest of the child. Read more »
Will Your Health Insurance Get Paid Back if They Pay Your Medical Bills From a Personal Injury Case?
Now, the short answer is it depends. It largely depends on what contract you have with them. Read more »
Does the Age of Adoptive Parents Matter in an Adult Adoption in Oklahoma?
Oklahoma Adoption Attorney, James Wirth and speaks on adult adoptions and the requirements. Read more »
Can You Still Get Compensated for Your Injuries if You’ve Previously Been Injured?
Wirth Law Personal Injury Paralegal discusses whether or not you can still get compensated for injuries if you've already previously been injured. Read more »
Should You Hide Anything About Your Car Wreck From Your Attorney?
Now in the past, we've worked with quite a few clients who had certain skeletons in the closet that they would have preferred to remain there. A lot of the time, these will take the form of previous injuries or if they didn't have insurance at the time, a criminal record. Read more »
Does the Type of Shoe That You Were Wearing During a Premises Liability Incident Matter?
We've had some clients who were wearing skidproof workboats but were still the victim of a premises liability incident because there was very clear soap on the floor that they didn't see. Read more »
If a Person Is Driving a Vehicle off the Clock, Is the Company Still Partially Liable?
I've had some clients in the past who that was exactly the case. A person was driving. They were at a stoplight. The other person rear-ended them. They weren't on the clock at the time, but the vehicle was owned by his company. Read more »
Is Security Camera Footage Important if You Fall in a Store?
Now, we've all heard the old phrase, "A picture's worth a thousand words," but I'm here to tell you, a video can be worth a thousand pictures. Read more »
Should You Get Employee Contact Information if You Fall at a Store?
One of the things that you can do, after you make sure your immediate medical needs are taken care of, is to see what store employees are around, or maybe, ideally, the ones who were there when the incident happened. And you can just briefly ask them, and always be as polite as you can, "Hey, could I get your contact information?" Read more »
If a Person Hits Me With Their Car and They Are on the Clock, Is Their Company Liable Too?
Now in the past, I've had a person who was on their way to work and another person who is making a delivery for their employer struck our client and the other person was on the clock at the time. They were within the scope of their employment. This fell under what's called respondeat superior, meaning their employer was partially responsible because the person was acting in the line of duty for their employer. As such, the employer was also a responsible entity in our client's claim. Read more »
Is There a Requisite Blood Quantum for McGirt Relief?
There is a certain level of Indian blood in order to qualify for relief under the United States Supreme court precedent in the McGirt case. Read more »
Attacked by a Drunk Person? Is the Place That Gave Them Alcohol Liable?
If there is an individual who is noticeably intoxicated yet they still provide them alcohol they could potentially be held liable for what that individual does. Read more »
Can the Court Delay a McGirt Dismissal to Allow Time for Charges in Federal or Tribal Court?
There are the two main things that the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals needs in order to find that the state lacked jurisdiction based on the McGirt precedent. Read more »
McGirt: Can Subject Matter Jurisdiction Ever Be Waived?
United States Supreme Court decided that the historical boundaries of the Muscogee Creek Tribal Reservation were never disestablished. Read more »
Hit by a Drunk Driver? Is the Place That Provided Them Alcohol to Blame?
In Oklahoma, we have a series of laws called DRAM shop laws that relate specifically to this issue. Now, historically, a DRAM shop is anywhere that provides alcohol to an individual, be that a convenience store, a liquor store, restaurant, anything like that. And if those establishments provide alcohol to a noticeably intoxicated person, there's a chance that they might be liable for what that person does. Read more »
Will You Be Incarcerated for Violating Misdemeanor Probation?
What is the likelihood that you're going to be incarcerated if you're found to violate your probation on a misdemeanor? Is that a 100% chance? And the answer is it's definitely not a 100% chance. Read more »
Oklahoma Law: Life Imprisonment for Using Drugs While Pregnant?
Life imprisonment for using drugs while pregnant. Tulsa criminal defense attorney James Wirth has that easy answer. Read more »
Whose Consent is Needed for Adult Adoption in Oklahoma?
So adult adoptions in Oklahoma are fairly straightforward and they can oftentimes move forward pretty quickly because there's not a lot of notice requirements and consent requirements. Read more »
Does Oklahoma Law Allow Adult Adoption?
Oklahoma law does allow for adult adoption. The person being adopted does not have to be a minor in Oklahoma, and actually completing an adult adoption can be much simpler than the adoption of a minor. Read more »
Is Your Tulsa County Court Case Getting a New Judge on 1/4/2021?
Every so often the presiding district judge in Tulsa County decides to rotate the special judges and move them on different dockets. Read more »
Should I Get Medical Treatment to Increase the Value of My Case?
I've had several clients who will push their medical providers to maybe send them for extra testing, extra therapy, really just push as much as they can to get as much treatment as they can thinking that that'll greatly increase their settlement down the line. Well, a lot of the time it doesn't work out that well. Read more »
Does McGirt Apply to the Quapaw Nation?
So the Quapaw Nation is a very relatively small reservation. It's in Ottawa County, Oklahoma. And if that reservation is not disestablished. Read more »
Can Oklahoma Prosecute Non-Indians for Crimes Against Indians in Indian Country?
The State of Oklahoma does not have jurisdiction over crimes committed by or against an Indian in Indian country Read more »
What is UM/UIM Coverage?
UM and UIM help bridge the gap between the person's ability to pay for the damages they caused, and what your actual damages are. Read more »