Tulsa Attorney Blog
Must I Allow Visitation If I Suspect Child Abuse or Neglect?
Failing to protect your child can get you in trouble with DPS, have your kids taken away by the state, perhaps by CPS in a deprived child action, or could actually get you criminal felony charges of permitting child abuse. Read more »
Should You Take Pictures of Your Wounds After a Car Wreck?
After the car wreck, the first thing you're going to be more concerned with is definitely treating some of those wounds. Read more »
Paying Child Support BUT Not Allowed to See Your Kids? Here is What to Do.
So if you have a court order for visitation and it's being denied, irrespective of whether you're paying child support or not because those are independent obligations, so whether you're paying child support or not, that is contempt of court and you can file a contempt of court action with the court. Set it for an arraignment, if the party is found guilty they can actually be thrown in jail for up to six months for violation of a court order. Read more »
Do You Really Have Full Coverage Insurance?
Delve into it a bit more to see what type of coverage you're actually getting, and while you're at it, you might ask them how much would it be to add under-insured motorist coverage or med pay coverage to your policy. Read more »
What Does It Mean if You Have a Medical Lien Filed After a Car Wreck?
A medical lien is similar to a mechanics lien. A medical lien is attached to your insurance claim, following a motor vehicle collision. Read more »
Do Women Have To Pay Child Support in Oklahoma?
Under Oklahoma law, it's completely gender-neutral. What matters who is the custodian, who's the non-custodian. Read more »
Can Men Receive Spousal Support (Alimony) in Oklahoma?
Can they receive alimony in Oklahoma? And similar to child support, the rules that are in place are gender-neutral. It doesn't matter if you are the man or the woman, the husband or the wife. It has to do with the financial circumstances and what's happened in the marriage. So yes, under Oklahoma law, men can receive spousal support and alimony. Women can be ordered to pay spousal support and alimony. So that's what the law says. Read more »
When Should You Write Down What Happened After a Car Wreck?
We've had the most success with clients who were able to write down everything that they remember about the car wreck as soon as they could after it happened. Read more »
Can You Get Compensation if You Are the Passenger in a Car That Caused a Car Wreck?
You could be considered a no-fault passenger, meaning that you just happened to be in the car while someone else was the one who was in control of the vehicle and the one that actually caused the wreck. Read more »
How Does One Win Back Custody in Oklahoma?
Tulsa Child Custody Attorney James Wirth answers, How does one win back custody of a child in Oklahoma? Read more »
Are Dog Bites Covered by Homeowner’s Insurance or Renter’s Insurance?
A lot of policies allow you to add additional coverage for pets that you keep in your home, just in case they end up hurting someone else. Read more »
How Do You Prepare for a Child Custody Mediation in Oklahoma?
The first thing is when you're going to mediation, if you want it to be successful, you've got to be prepared in that you know all of the relevant facts and circumstances. You have your case prepared and presented, you've done a discovery. So what that means is, is that if you're talking about child custody, all the factors that go into that in your best interest, you've got all of your evidence together. Any concerns you have about the other parent, you've got all the evidence that you present to the judge ready to go. Read more »
Tulsa Attorney Explains How Child Support Works in Oklahoma
Any party can file for child support. It could be the mom that's got the kids. It could be the dad that's got the kids. You can do it as part of a divorce. Read more »
Do You Need to Tell Your Doctors About Your Injuries After a Car Wreck?
A lot of the time people don't want to come across as whiners. They don't want to be seen as complaining about every little thing that's going on, but in the case of a motor vehicle collision, it could be very beneficial to fully express to your doctors everything that's going on with you. Read more »
Can You Pay Child Support in Advance in Oklahoma?
In practice, if you did pay extra and you were very careful to document on the check and elsewhere that it's for this specific child support in the future, you might get credit for that, but it's not worth the trouble, because you may have to fight to get future credit for it, because the system is going to want to assume that it is a gift. Read more »
What Is MedPay Coverage?
MedPay coverage is medical payments coverage. It's an additional type of insurance that you can get added to your policy that will help cover your medical bills in the incident of a car wreck. Read more »
Why is Child Support Not Capped in Oklahoma?
If the party has an income that goes up to a certain level, the child support gets up to a certain level, that should be enough. Read more »
Is the Owner of a Dog the Only One Responsible if You Are Bitten by a Dog?
I had a client who was visiting an apartment complex, and one of the tenant's dogs better on the arm. Now, the dog in question had a pretty serious past. It had attacked several of the other tenants, as well as a couple of other animals, and the landlord who ran the unit was aware of this. They knew of the dog's history, and yet they still allowed the tenant to keep the dog on the premises. Now, by doing that, they have potentially opened themselves up to being liable for the injuries to the person as well, and in that particular case, we were able to help get our client compensation for her injuries at the apartment complex. Read more »
How Does McGirt Affect Custody Cases for Tribal Members Living in Indian Country?
The United States Supreme Court decision that decided that most of Northeast Oklahoma are actually tribal reservation land. Read more »
Can You Get Compensation From Being the Victim of a Dog Bite?
Can you get compensation for being the victim of a dog bite? Certified paralegal, Christopher Stevens answers that question. Read more »
State Question 805: How Does It Affect Certain Crimes? (Part 7)
First off, violent offenses, which means that they are on a list of violent offenses listed by statute, those crimes, they're not affected by State Question 805 at all. Read more »
State Question 805: What About The Victims? (Part 6)
If you are a registered victim with the Department of Corrections, you are entitled to notice if your perpetrator files a request for sentence modification based on State Question 805. Read more »
State Question 805: Does 805 Have Retroactive Application? (Part 5)
Does Oklahoma State Question 805 have a retroactive application? I'm Tulsa criminal defense attorney James Wirth. Does it apply retroactively, and the answer is yes, it does. Read more »
State Question 805: What Is A Violent Crime Under 805? (Part 4)
First off violent crime does not mean what the common-sense definition of violent crime might be or what the Webster's dictionary violent crime definition might be. When it comes to the law, definitions are what the statute says it is. And even if it's nonsensical, that's what the definition is. Read more »
State Question 805: What Is Sentence Enhancement? (Part 3)
Oklahoma has the habitual offender statute and that deals with general enhancement and then also many crimes also have a specific enhancement. Read more »