I received notice today that I’ve been admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court. Admission to the Bar of our nation’s highest court is a milestone and an honor for any attorney. Just as importantly, my ability to take cases to the Supreme Court provides our clients at the Wirth Law Office the assurance that I am ready and able to take their cases as far as need be to get justice for them.
A particular case prompted me to apply for admission to the Supreme Court Bar. Preparing a case to present to the Supreme Court can be tedious and arduous, but success can provide justice not only for a particular client – it can define justice for others who might lack the resources to defend their rights in the nation’s highest court. It’s a duty I shoulder with the utmost respect for my clients, for the courts and for the law.
Admission to the Supreme Court Bar includes some access to reserved seating in the court. That’s a privilege I might not often exercise but which can be useful if ever there is a case I need to watch. My access to the Supreme Court’s law library may prove to be a more valuable resource for my clients.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients at Wirth Law Office who’ve entrusted us with their sensitive legal matters as our firm has grown in size and capacity. I look forward to continuing to provide you the zealous legal representation to which you are entitled.