Find Out if You Qualify for Expungement

On a few rare occasions, changes in Oklahoma law are so important, we decide to go beyond our usual Website postings to reach the greatest audience possible. Recent changes in Oklahoma expungement law are that important.
To tell as many people as possible how a Tulsa expungement attorney can help remove criminal convictions from public records, on Jan. 29, 2017 we took out a full-page ad in the Tulsa World. Our ad explained benefits of expungment in Oklahoma, and how recent changes made expungement an option for people who were previously denied.
Our “advertorial” listed the requirements and timelines for Oklahoma expungement, so anyone with a criminal conviction could easily determine whether they might qualify to have their court records sealed. Tulsa attorney James Wirth urged anyone who qualifies to have their court records sealed to begin the process as soon as possible.
Strategy Session, Tulsa Expungement Attorney
To find out if you qualify for expungement in Oklahoma, and to begin the process, contact a Wirth Law Office expungement attorney at (918) 879-1681, or send your questions using the form at the top of this page.