Launches Radio Q&A at 9AM Thursdays
Spend a few minutes just listening in the office of Tulsa attorney James Wirth and you’ll almost certainly learn something. It might be an obscure detail about the way Oklahoma calculates child support. You might learn a clever approach to settling an Oklahoma personal injury claim. It might not be something you especially cared to know, but somebody did.
James Wirth has spent much the first 14 years in his career as a Tulsa attorney answering questions. The casual conversation in his office typically ranges from NBA playoffs to emerging technology or a looming change in Oklahoma law. When the phone rings he’s suddenly off in another direction, delving into a caller’s out-of-the blue legal problem faster than a hot knife through butter.
Now he’s ready for prime time. Drive time, actually. The crackerjack attorney with a shark in his logo will be taking his show on the road. More literally, down the street, as the case may be.
Starting Sept. 13, 2018, Tulsa attorney James Wirth will join Z-104.5 The Edge morning DJ’s Josh and Chuck each week for an entertaining, informative chat about legal questions that matter to The Edge’s modern rock listeners. Each Thursday at 9 a.m., between rock music segments, James Wirth will answer listeners’ questions and share anecdotes based on his legal experience.
Making of an Expert

James M. Wirth
The partnership with Z-104.5 The Edge reflects attorney James Wirth’s growing profile as a go-to media source providing expertise about Oklahoma law.
He has appeared at various times in news programs on each of Tulsa’s broadcast TV stations. He often fields questions from reporters near and far seeking background or comments about breaking news items.
When he’s not taking questions from reporters, prospective clients or worried defendants, James Wirth finds plenty of time to practice law. And beyond court appearances, studying client cases and leading a team of well-qualified associates, he still finds time to run a law firm as sole proprietor.
He grew Wirth Law Office from a single attorney and an intern crowded into rented office in 2010 to become one of Oklahoma’s fastest growing law firms, recognized by the Law Firm 500 award.
Weekly conversations on Z-104.5 The Edge will promote Wirth Law Office’s mission in Tulsa: to make law easy. By explaining Oklahoma law and simplifying complex legal procedures, James Wirth hopes to take the worry out of going to court. The feature will focus on areas of law James Wirth knows best, including family, criminal, injury and workers compensation.
Join the Conversation
To join the conversation on Z-104.5 The Edge, tweet questions to @EDGETULSA. You can also call Wirth Law Office at (918) 879-1681 for answers to your questions, or to suggest a question for the Thursday radio feature.