Take Pictures of the Accident
Video Transcribed:
What’s one of the things that you should do if you find yourself a victim of a premises liability incident? Hey everyone, Christopher Stevens here certified paralegal with the Wirth Law Office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, specializing in personal injury in Oklahoma. Today, we’re going to be talking about one of the things that you should do if you find yourself a victim of a premises liability incident.
Now, after you’ve taken care of your immediate medical needs, one thing that you can do that could help out quite a bit down the line, is just taking a look around, observe your surroundings. One of the primary things you’re going to want to look out for is what was it that contributed to your incident.
Was there a box that was sticking out that may have caught your foot? Was there liquid on the ground? If so, what type of liquid? These are all the things that you really want to look out for and keep track of.
If you have your phone available, go ahead and take some pictures. I’ve had clients who, unfortunately, didn’t look around after their incident, and couldn’t identify anything that really contributed to it. And that was a pretty big hurdle down the line. I’ve also had other clients who took all kinds of pictures from different angles, got witness statements. And those are the type of things that can really aid your claim later on.
So keep that in mind, if you find yourself a victim of a premises liability incident. And, as always, if you do find yourself to be a victim of one, feel free to reach out to the Tulsa Slip and Fall Attorney. We can be contacted at wirthlawoffice.com and makelaweasy.com. As always, thanks, and have a good one.