Custody Modification Delays
I’ve been waiting two years for a modification of custody. Is there anything that can be done to speed this up? That’s the question that we received online through one of our websites, and we’re gonna answer that for you. I’m Tulsa attorney James Wirth.
Factors Influencing Case Progress
Okay, so we’ve got a modification proceeding going on. So that means that there was a prior final order regarding custody visitation child support. And it sounds like somebody filed to modify that based on there being a change of circumstances that now makes him the best interest of the child to do something different. But he says that this has been going on for two years. So how do you speed it up?
Strategies to Accelerate Proceedings
Well, these things do happen where things get stalled out. I mean, ultimately, the courts generally don’t push cases for it on their own when they’re civil cases, family law cases. One of the parties usually has to push it forward. And sometimes one of the parties is incentivized not to push it forward and delay things. There are certain things that can be done to delay cases, but certainly if nobody is pushing it forward, a lot of times they stall out.
So what can be done to push it forward? It depends on the status and also what court you’re in. Some courts allow certain things and other ones don’t. For instance, what you want is you want an order that changes things. So some courts on a motion to modify may allow you to do a temporary order. So you’d want to do that because you can get into court more quickly.
Take Action Now for Faster Resolution
So ultimately one of the parties has to be pushing it forward. If one of the parties is delaying it, they’ve gotta push it forward even more, but there are things that can be done to make it go more quickly. So you wanna talk to an attorney specifically about your circumstances, what might be best for you. To schedule an appointment with an attorney at my office and go online to