Oklahoma Visitation Guidelines: Focus on Long-Distance Arrangements
Oklahoma’s recommended visitation guidelines were established in 2004 to provide recommendations for the best interest of children based on current science. These guidelines aim to create uniformity in visitation schedules across courts and judges in the state.
When it comes to long-distance visitation, there are two recommended schedules for parents who live far apart and cannot have regular weekend visitation or exchanges. One schedule allows for regular monthly contact, while the other does not.
Long-Distance Visitation Schedule for Children Under Five
For children under five, the recommended schedule includes two weeks in June and two weeks in July for visitation. For children older than five up to 17, the recommendation is 30 days of visitation split between the first and second part of the summer.
Handling Transportation Costs
Transportation costs for long-distance visitation should be shared equally by both parties. The non-custodial parent may also be entitled to visitation in the city of the custodial parent for up to five consecutive days with proper notice.
Monthly Contact Long-Distance Visitation Schedule
For the schedule that allows for monthly contact, additional visitation options are available, including liberal telephone visitation and visitation in all reasonable times and places. Both parents must provide advance notice for visitation in each other’s locales.
If you are navigating a custody or visitation case in Oklahoma, it is important to be familiar with the recommended visitation schedules and guidelines. These guidelines are not absolute law but serve as persuasive authority in family court cases.
Contact us for a Low-Cost Initial Strategy Session
For personalized legal advice from a Tulsa attorney on visitation schedules and custody matters. Contact a Tulsa child custody attorney by calling 918-879-1681 or visit makelaweasy.com to schedule a low-cost initial strategy session.