Legal Insights into Toddler Visitation in Oklahoma: Guidelines and Recommendations
Oklahoma’s recommended visitation for children age nine months to 18 months. I’m Tulsa attorney James Wirth. We’re doing a series of videos related to the Oklahoma’s advisory guidelines for visitation that was promulgated back in 2005 based on a law in 2004 that directed that that be done by the Administrative Director of Courts.
So we’re looking at the best interest of the children based on the age and development of the child as well as other circumstances that come up and trying to come up with guidelines to have uniformity from court to court and judge to judge. And these have been promulgated out there and they have recommendations based on the age of the child, but it is ultimately up to the judge in any given case to make a determination on best interest of the child. They’ve got wide discretion. These are recommendations and guidelines. They are not the law. The judge can follow them or decide to do something different.
Guidelines for Children 9-18 Months
Nonetheless, though, there are recommendations for children between nine and 18 months. And it notes at that age, predictability and consistency continues to be really important, but it notes that babies can respond to multiple caregivers. So there is not a necessity that there be one primary caregiver, although often there is at this age. It is not a necessity. They can have strong bonds with both.
And also it notes that there is not a preference in the guidelines for mom versus dad. Either parent can be strong. Both parents can be strong. Sex and gender of the parent is not a factor when looking at these guidelines. Notes that each parent should have an opportunity to participate in daily routines such as feeding, bathing, napping and playing.
Call to Action: Schedule a Strategy Session
If you’re dealing with this circumstance, have a case going through a family law court in Oklahoma, you’re going to want to talk to a Tulsa family law attorney privately and confidentially to get legal advice specific to your circumstances. To get that scheduled with a Wirth Law Office attorney in the Tulsa office, you can call 918-879-1681 or go online to