Understanding Traffic Citations
Do you have a traffic citation and you’re not sure what to do? My name is Carl Birkhead. I’m an Oklahoma attorney with Wirth Law Office here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I want to help you make law easy by talking a little bit about what happens when you get a citation, where to go, and how to handle the municipal court system.
It’s a relatively straightforward process. The thing that’s going to cost more than anything else is time. Those dockets can be pretty large and I don’t ever see them move quickly, especially since they have dockets that start at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 and they typically run over past that.
Process of Handling Your Citation
But the way it happens is relatively straightforward. After you hire our office, we will set up a time to go over to the courthouse and get you added to the docket. If it’s something where you can go with us, that’s great. We might be able to get it completely handled and get either a dismissal or get it to plead out or at the very least figure out if we’re going to need to fight it.
Get it all done in one day if you’re able to come with us and that’s great. If not, it’s not the end of the world. Typically, once every week or two weeks, I’ll grab all of my cases that I’ve got in the municipal court. I’ll add them onto the docket, go talk with the prosecutors, get an idea of where their heads are at, and see if we can work out some kind of plea negotiation on my client’s behalf.
Negotiating Outcomes
That way I can come back to the office, get with my clients, and just say, hey, talk to the prosecutor. This is kind of what we’re looking at. Is this something that you want to do? Oftentimes, I can get you on a deferred sentence to where you’ll be on probation for a little bit and then the case will just be dismissed. Or maybe they’re willing to if you’ve got a high speeding ticket, they might be willing to reduce it down for you if you’re able to keep your nose clean for a little while.
Now and then, especially with citations that involve accidents or damage to property, there’s possibly going to be some kind of community service involved or something like that. It’s not difficult. Like I said, the most that it’s going to cost you is time because it doesn’t very often go quickly. The other day, I had three cases that were set to be heard and I was at the courthouse for about five hours trying to get them all done.
Scheduling Your Court Visit
Whenever you get with us, let’s schedule a time where you can at least take a half day, to make sure that everything gets done properly and gets done right the first time. In the worst-case scenario, we get out early and you’ve got a little extra time on your hands. If you have questions about this or you’re not sure, if you even need an attorney for traffic citations, some of them you may not need one, please feel free to give us a call.
Schedule a Low-Cost Strategy Session
My name is Carl Birkhead. I’m with Wirth Law Office and I want to help you make law easy. Reach out to us at 918-879-1681 to schedule a low-cost initial strategy session with a traffic lawyer. Let us guide you through the legal process and work toward the best possible outcome for your traffic citation.