Avoid Litigation: Simple Steps to Protect Yourself
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that’s absolutely true when it comes to potential litigation. I’m Tulsa criminal attorney Carl Birkhead with Wirth Law Office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’ve been practicing law for about seven years now, and I want to talk to you about what to do to avoid getting into a legal battle in the first place.
Learning from Recent Cases
So a case came in within the last couple of weeks where our client and I didn’t want to throw the client under the bus, but she got into an altercation with another individual. They got into an argument, and neither side was backing down. I want to be very clear. My client’s not in the wrong here. She expressed an opinion. She exercised her First Amendment right to freedom of speech, and that’s fantastic.
You have the right to do that, and I’m all about enjoying our freedoms and our liberties. Unfortunately, in this situation, it came to a point where our client and the opposing party, were playing a game of chicken, and neither one wanted to back down. They both wanted to have the final say in this situation, and it amped up and it amped up and it amped up until, unfortunately, unbeknownst to our client, the other side was just, they were on a different level, and it went from just an exchange of ideas to an argument, which is okay, to the other side making threats, and I’m talking about threats that no human being should make to another person.
The Cost of Principles Over Peace
I want to be very clear. My client doesn’t deserve this, and we’re going to be taking this to court, and we’re going to be pursuing this to the fullest extent of the law to ensure that she’s protected and kept safe, but my point here is this could have been avoided with just a simple block button. Guys, I have to tell you, so many times, the principle is not worth it. The principle of the matter becomes expensive. The much easier and safer option is to just say I don’t agree with you, but whatever. You have your opinion. Bye. Block them. Don’t have any contact.
Move on with your life. You’ll be a lot happier, and less stressed. You’re not going to be facing pending litigation. Otherwise, if you find yourself in a situation where you’re at odds with someone, and neither side is willing to back down, you could end up in this situation where instead of the block button, which is free, you’re paying a few thousand dollars to go and have to get an order of protection.
Protecting Yourself and Seeking Help
Our client suffered very significant and very credible threats to her person, her safety, and her family, and nobody deserves that. I cannot stress this enough. Make sure that you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself and protect those that you love around you, even if that means you go ahead and just bow out of an argument and save yourself the stress.
If you’re in a situation where you need some help, whether it’s a criminal family, or maybe you need an order of protection because somebody’s harassing, stalking, threatening, maybe even physically or verbally abusing you, please call us. We are here to help you, and we want to make sure that your rights and your safety are protected. I’m Tulsa litigation attorney Carl Birkhead with Wirth Law Office, and I want to help you make law easy.
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Don’t wait until it’s too late to seek the legal guidance you need. Call us today at 918-879-1681 to schedule a low-cost initial strategy session. Let us help you navigate your legal challenges with expertise and care.