Understanding How to Respond to Emergency Vehicles
So you’re driving down the road and you see the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle. What are you supposed to do? Hi, my name is Carl Birkhead. I’m a Tulsa criminal defense attorney with Wirth Law Office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’ve been practicing family and criminal law for about seven years now and I want to help you make law easy by talking about what to do when you see an emergency vehicle on the road.
Importance of Yielding to Emergency Vehicles
In driver’s ed, you’re taught to move to the side of the road when you see emergency vehicles with lights and sirens. This is essential because they need to get through quickly. But what happens when you come across a car accident with emergency vehicles already on scene? Common sense says you should slow down, give plenty of room, and follow any traffic directions, like from a police officer directing traffic.
If you don’t do this, you could face a charge for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle under Title 47. This law requires you to either move over when you see flashing lights or slow down when you approach a scene like an accident. I’ve had clients who didn’t understand this second part and sped past accident scenes without slowing down or yielding. That’s not just dangerous; it’s illegal.
Keeping the Scene Safe for Everyone
Accidents can get chaotic fast—emergency personnel, confused drivers, and people on the road make it a risky situation. You need to pay attention, slow down, and give space. Always be vigilant and show respect for emergency vehicles to keep everyone safe.
Start with a Strategy Session
My name is Carl Birkhead. I’m a Tulsa misdemeanor attorney with Wirth Law Office, and I want to help you make law easy. If you find yourself facing charges for traffic violations related to emergency vehicles, contact me for a low-cost initial strategy session. Give us a call at 918-879-1681, and let’s discuss how we can address your legal concerns effectively.