The Oklahoma Supreme Court has reversed a district court decision in a Tulsa medical negligence case where a patient said she had not given informed consent for an assistant’s involvement in surgical procedures. In Oklahoma medical negligence claims, evidence that a patient did not consent to a particular assistant’s participation can be a reason to take a case to trial, the court concluded.
Tulsa personal injury attorney
James M. Wirth, Esq.
With the help of Wirth Law Office’s Tulsa Ok auto accident attorneys, a Muskogee woman got much needed compensation after a costly auto accident.
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
Texting and driving is now widely recognized as a potentially dangerous distraction for drivers. In New Jersey, it is no longer just the distracted driver using a cell phone who can get into legal trouble for a car crash; the person on other end of the phone sending text messages to the driver can also […]
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
Click here to download the full report “Tort Reform Unraveled” in a printable pdf format. When the Oklahoma Supreme Court on June 4, 2013 struck down a landmark 2009 Tort Reform bill, it reversed law spread across 10 titles and 81 sections of Oklahoma Statutes. The order did not include references to the statutes created […]
James M. Wirth, Esq. 
Click here to download the full report “Tort Reform Unraveled” in a printable pdf format. When the Oklahoma Supreme Court on June 4, 2013 struck down the Comprehensive Lawsuit Reform Act of 2009, it reversed one of the most far-reaching measures governing litigation in Oklahoma lawmaking history. For more than 3 ½ years, attorneys working […]